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I’m an artist and writer working in Leicester, UK. My work has included games, p2p networks, 3d printing, fictional alphabets, maps and filmmaking. I’m interested in exploring narrative, place, text and language.
I am developing a research project through an MRes degree with the Centre for the Study of the Networked Image (CSNI).
I am a caretaker at avantwhatever.net
A plaintext artist CV is available here.
I regularly release music with Nathan Bissette as Dead Hand.
I'm enjoying exploring tool-making as part of my practice, and have recently built a small drawing tool and poem matrix. There is more information and links to these on the tools page.
I have worked as a creative technologist on a range of projects with different artists. I'm available for work on different projects.
Some links to other places I lurk are:
categories: text
see also: log | campfire| links
~gg 02/23